How do I teach my child how to read?

How do I teach my child how to read?

This is a common question I get from mother’s who are thinking about homeschooling and here’s what I tell them.  My eldest son did not learn to read until he was nearly 8. He was my first child, my first time homeschooling and I was already in a state of fear,...
Being the safe space for your child

Being the safe space for your child

If your child is expressing to you how much they are struggling with school it means that they trust you enough to be vulnerable in front of you. To lay it all out. To tell you how they feel. To confide in you that – physically, emotionally and mentally –...
What do we do all day?

What do we do all day?

It’s February already and I’m only just now reflecting on the rhythm of our days as we begin to get back into the non-holiday routine and back into structured activities again. Friends and clients (and strangers) always ask us what we do all day as homeschoolers and...
The hardest part of homeschooling…

The hardest part of homeschooling…

The hardest part of homeschooling …Is deschooling your mind. The rest is easy. Loving my children. Following their lead. Playing and enjoying my life. Planning our days. Adventuring and trying new things, exploring nature and different parks together, looking at the...
From Natural Birth to Homeschooling

From Natural Birth to Homeschooling

“I want to homeschool mainly because I really don’t want to miss out on all that time with her.” My client hit the nail on the head. There are so many of us mothers who choose to homeschool our children because it does not feel normal to be separated all day from...
Five Reasons To Unschool

Five Reasons To Unschool

HOME ABOUT BOOK A CALL MEMBERSHIPS BLOG FollowFollowFollowFollow Unschooling is an approach to education that has the child and the family in the drivers seat of how learning is done. The parents role is to provide space and tools for the child to access and connect...