Are you ready to  deeply attune and connect with yourself and your dream life so that you can become the conscious mother you always knew you would be?

You know you are ready to move away from doubt and overwhelm.


You are ready to release old habits and patterns.

You are ready to do the inner-work, shift your mindset and find your authentic self.

Together we will integrate the tools and processes of Conscious Parent Coaching and neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) to disrupt patterns that no longer serve you or your family, to heal childhood wounds that are influencing your relationships, and to create powerful goals for a constantly evolving future.

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Finally, create the change you have been needing to see in your life…

Rewilding Life Coaching Approach

Conscious Parenting Philosophy

Turn inward, heal and transform your own inner child so that you can see your own child for the authentic spirit that they are rather than the projections and expectations you place on them.

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)

A set of tools and processes that help you change your thoughts, beliefs and behaviours so that you can let go of all your self-imposed limitations and achieve any outcome you want in your life.

Question Mainstream Parenting

The traditional, Western model of birth, parenting and education is outdated. Together, we question what is ‘normal’, what we choose to check out of, and then create a life that aligned to your values.

Rewilding Life Coaching Package

The ultimate evolution in motherhood

The Rewilding Life Coaching Package is a transformational 12-week coaching program that will get you connected and attuned to yourself and your children.

This coaching package is one of a kind and tailored to you.

It combines conscious parenting approaches with the (magical) tools and processes of neuro-linguistic programming. And all this sits within a backdrop of my healthy suspicion of the dominant, mainstream, Western worldviews.

Whether you are fearful and need some coaching through your pregnancy, struggling through the challenges of motherhood or muddling your way through home education, this coaching package will take you through an internal evolution and mindset shift like you have never experienced before.

And on the other side you will find life-changing, effortless and sustainable results that will uplevel your life and your relationships like never before!


What’s involved?

The Rewilding Life Coaching Package is a 12-week supported coaching  program that is designed to take you through a personal transformation through three phases.

You will have 6 x 60-minute coaching sessions with me via Zoom (2 sessions for each phase) and unlimited access to me throughout the duration of the package via voice messaging.

Together, we will shift any resistance you have in your journey of pregnancy, parenting or homeschooling so that you can begin to walk a path through motherhood that is conscious, connected, and most importantly, authentic to you.


During the first phase of your coaching we will BREAK DOWN the problem at hand by discovering how your personal history has shaped your current experiences, fears and doubts. We will then begin to reframe these based around your direction you would like to carve out for your future.


During the second phase of your coaching package we will  do the inner work at a sub-conscious level to BREAK THROUGH the underlying cause of whatever is holding you back in life. We shift the thoughts, beliefs and behaviors that have been created and re-wire past patterns and cycles that no longer serve you.


The final phase of your coaching package is built around a selection of processes and tools (tailored to you) that will cut the ties from patterns and cycles that create resistance so you can BREAK FREE and plant the seeds of change towards achieving the outcome you desire.

Rewilding Life Coaching Package

A 12-week transformational journey

Start now to create the life you desire, the relationships you love and the journey that’s meant for you with my integrated approach of Conscious Parenting and the tools and processes of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP). 

If you know you need support to shift your thinking, change your belief systems and let go of the patterns that no longer serve you so you can thrive in your relationships then I am right here with you and I can’t wait to start our coching together.

Order Form

Billing Details
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Product Price
Coaching Package $997 $997.00

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