Your Life Values

Your Life Values

Being aware of what your values are is the key to understanding other people and having great relationships – with your partner, your family, friends and anyone else you confront in your life. And knowing when values don’t align and why can save you a lifetime...
From Natural Birth to Homeschooling

From Natural Birth to Homeschooling

“I want to homeschool mainly because I really don’t want to miss out on all that time with her.” My client hit the nail on the head. There are so many of us mothers who choose to homeschool our children because it does not feel normal to be separated all day from...
What to do about tantrums

What to do about tantrums

If, like me, you had a tantrum and you yelled at your kids today then here’s are some steps to help you reconnect and repair. One, ADMIT to yourself that you were an asshole today. You should not have yelled. Instead, you should have spoken to your child respectfully...
Who am I now, if not ‘mama’?

Who am I now, if not ‘mama’?

I’m in Melbourne, Australia at the moment and although it’s meant to be summer it is a cold, cloudy and rainy day outside. I’m reflecting on the year that has been and how far I have come in my conscious parenting journey, my business and my personal growth as a...
Clearing Clutter: An Act of Rewilding

Clearing Clutter: An Act of Rewilding

Physical clutter is a reflection of our toxic cultural and social norms of material accumulation. Buying more for ourselves and our loved ones makes us feel so good. It releases dopamine and gives us momentary fulfilment. We buy to show love. We buy to feel worthy. We...